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The 9 & 1/2 best places to visit in Cairo - and one to avoid!

The 9 & 1/2 best places to visit in Cairo - and one to avoid!

Great Sphinx
You arrive in Egypt, surviving a long haul flight in the process.  If, like us, you have come from Australia you were in the air for 20 hours or more - half that time if you are lucky enough to live on the east coast of the United States. You spent interminable hours hanging around airports, lining up to check-in, lining up to go through security, lining up to board the plane. You waited while your fellow passengers boarded, stowed their over-size cabin baggage and took their seats, then you waited while the pilot 'just waited on paperwork' (does anyone know what that paperwork they wait for is - couldn't they stay back at the office the night before and clear it up like everyone
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Posted by Unknown, Published at 04:24 and have 0 komentar

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The 9 & 1/2 best places to visit in Cairo - and one to avoid! By Unknown. Published: 04:24
Rating 5.0 ★★★★★ © 1 reviews by Boedjank Baonk

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