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11 things to do in Alexandria, Egypt - one is a bit weird!

11 things to do in Alexandria, Egypt - one is a bit weird!

Citadel of Qaitbey
Me - 'Why are we going to Alexandria?'
David - 'Because we have a few days to spare and Andrew wants to go there.'
Me - 'Egypt is a huge place I'll bet I can find somewhere much more interesting than an old city founded by a dead conqueror'.
David - 'It is too late. I have already booked the hotel and transfers.'

This is what happens when you travel with children (even if they are 26 years old and several metres taller than you). You go places you have barely heard of to see things you won't be interested in. Wrong! Andrew, our son, as often happens, pulled a rabbit out of the hat. Our three days in Alexandria were the most fun of our whole trip. Partly it was lack of expectations and partly it was that Alexandria, with its mix of Ancient Egyptian and Graeco-Roman heritage is a great place to visit. Take my advice. If you get a chance - go there!
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Posted by Unknown, Published at 06:24 and have 0 komentar

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11 things to do in Alexandria, Egypt - one is a bit weird! By Unknown. Published: 06:24
Rating 5.0 ★★★★★ © 1 reviews by Boedjank Baonk

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