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A guide to visiting the Tomb of Mehu: Egypt's NEW 4,000 year-old tomb

A guide to visiting the Tomb of Mehu: Egypt's NEW 4,000 year-old tomb

Tomb of Mehu
In September 2018 Egypt opened to the public the 4,000 year old Tomb of Mehu. Discovered at Saqqara in 1940 the tomb has never before been open to visitors. Situated at the Saqqara Necropolis, only a short distance from Cairo, the tomb is maddeningly difficult to locate once you are there. In typical Egyptian fashion the Ministry of Antiquities publicised the opening of the tomb with much fanfare around the world then neglected to post a single sign to help visitors find it.   In late November 2018 David and I found the tomb and explored it. After reading reviews on Trip Advisor by disappointed tourists who either couldn't find the tomb or couldn't gain access once they found it, I decided to write this post. If you are planning a trip to Egypt and you would like to see something few other people on the planet have seen (so far) then scroll down to 'How to Find the Tomb of Mehu' and follow my directions.

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Posted by Unknown, Published at 12:02 and have 0 komentar

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A guide to visiting the Tomb of Mehu: Egypt's NEW 4,000 year-old tomb By Unknown. Published: 12:02
Rating 5.0 ★★★★★ © 1 reviews by Boedjank Baonk

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