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How to pay a parking fine in Germany: The frustrating tale of a 15 euro ticket.

How to pay a parking fine in Germany: The frustrating tale of a 15 euro ticket.

I admit it - we did the wrong thing! I am the third most law-abiding person on the planet. Only the Dalai Lama and the Pope are ahead of me in the queue. If a sign says don't do something I absolutely do not do it. I don't swim outside the flags (you have to live in Australia to understand that particular piece of lunacy), I don't litter, I don't speed and I don't park where I am not supposed to. Nor does David, while I am around at least. Except on a recent trip to Germany we did and with all the hassle and grief it caused us we are never, ever doing it again.
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Posted by Unknown, Published at 14:32 and have 0 komentar

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How to pay a parking fine in Germany: The frustrating tale of a 15 euro ticket. By Unknown. Published: 14:32
Rating 5.0 ★★★★★ © 1 reviews by Boedjank Baonk

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