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Singapore's Light to Night Festival: Not quite Vivid Sydney but almost!

Singapore's Light to Night Festival: Not quite Vivid Sydney but almost!

Light to Night Festival

Vivid Sydney started on 25 May. If you are in Sydney, don't miss it. Without a doubt my favourite Sydney festival, Vivid draws tourists from around the world. Sadly Vivid often clashes with our travel plans and we manage to miss it about two years in three. 2018 is no different, but this year we got a great consolation prize. We stumbled upon Singapore's Light to Night Festival. Held in January and currently in its second year, Light to Night lights up the majestic buildings of central Singapore in a way which gives Vivid a run for its money.  Take a look at my photos and tell me what you think -

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Posted by Unknown, Published at 00:05 and have 0 komentar

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Singapore's Light to Night Festival: Not quite Vivid Sydney but almost! By Unknown. Published: 00:05
Rating 5.0 ★★★★★ © 1 reviews by Boedjank Baonk

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