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Wynwood Walls: Exploring Street Art in Miami.

Wynwood Walls: Exploring Street Art in Miami.

Wynwood Walls
Wynwood Walls, Miami bills itself as the greatest collection of street art ever assembled in one place. Since its inception in 2009 the project has involved more than 90 artists representing 20 countries and covered 85,000 square feet of walls. I am a great fan of street art. Since falling in love with the genre on a visit to Valparaiso, Chile I have sought it out wherever we are in the world. With three days in Miami there was no way I was NOT going to drag David along to see Wynwood. As it turned out the district was only a ten minute drive from our hotel. The only tricky thing was parking on a Sunday. Wynwood Walls has revitalised a once run down area of Miami. Now there is no shortage of cafes, restaurants, bars - and cars vying for parking spots. If you happen to be in Miami and you like street art check it out!
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Posted by Unknown, Published at 19:38 and have 0 komentar

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Wynwood Walls: Exploring Street Art in Miami. By Unknown. Published: 19:38
Rating 5.0 ★★★★★ © 1 reviews by Boedjank Baonk

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