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Don't drink the yellow coke and 9 other life-saving tips for surviving Angkor Wat.

Don't drink the yellow coke and 9 other life-saving tips for surviving Angkor Wat.

Preah Khan
There are more than a thousand temples in the jungles around Siem Reap in Cambodia. Angkor Wat is the one everyone has heard of but there are many others. If you want to cut to the chase and find out which temples to include on your itinerary, read Angkor Wat and the 7 must see temples of Angkor - just don't drink the yellow coke! If you would like a bit of friendly advice before you go temple hunting then read on for my life-saving (literally in one case) tips on how to survive the temples of Angkor.
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Posted by Unknown, Published at 21:42 and have 0 komentar

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Don't drink the yellow coke and 9 other life-saving tips for surviving Angkor Wat. By Unknown. Published: 21:42
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