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Cruising the Nile on a Dahabiya: slow travel in Egypt

Cruising the Nile on a Dahabiya: slow travel in Egypt

Meroe Nour el Nil
Our dahabiya is under sail, propelled along the river by a soft breeze, in a rhythm unchanged for thousands of years. I have woken early and have the deck to myself on the first day of our Nile River cruise. The sun is still low in the sky glistening to the south as if pointing the way for our journey. We left Esna, an hour's drive from Luxor in Egypt, yesterday afternoon. Our five night dahabiya journey to Aswan will be not much longer than a Nile cruise on board one of the large diesel powered passenger ships also plying the route, but there are thousands of years between our experience and theirs.
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Posted by Unknown, Published at 03:07 and have 0 komentar

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Cruising the Nile on a Dahabiya: slow travel in Egypt By Unknown. Published: 03:07
Rating 5.0 ★★★★★ © 1 reviews by Boedjank Baonk

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